My Internet

PEI residents with no access to service or experiencing slow internet speed (below 50 Mbps) may be eligible for financial assistance towards the cost of an Internet service provider (ISP) to improve internet access at their primary residence.

The PEI Broadband Fund for Residents provides assistance to a resident that does not currently have access to a high-speed internet service provider in their local area. Island residents without access to high-speed internet (up to 50 Mbps download, 10 Mbps upload) may qualify for funding to improve broadband service to their primary residence.

The Fund will cover up to 100% of eligible costs directly related to work completed to improve Internet Service to a maximum value of $5000 per civic address.

Projects of $500 or greater require prior approval before work is started or equipment is purchased. Innovation PEI may decline to contribute to any costs not identified in the application and made prior to the approval email notification.

Projects with eligible costs of $500 or less may apply without pre-approval, providing proper documents are submitted.*

PEI broadband funding is offered to full-time PEI residents seeking to add or upgrade internet service to their primary residence located in a geographical area where:

    • The only available service to the residence is low-speed internet;
    • Broadband service exists but is unavailable to the residence due to signal obstruction;
    • No internet service is available;
    • Current available internet service provided is below the advertised 50 / 10 Mbps. If experiencing internet speed below the advertised service, contact your service provider to discuss solutions; and
    • You are the property owner or a leaseholder with the property owner’s approval.

If you need help, please try our Frequently Asked Questions or you can email [email protected] for more information.  We are here to help!


  • Step 1: Choose a provider and high-speed solution
  • Step 2: Apply for funding by submitting your application
  • Step 3: If approved, complete the project
  • Step 4: Submit your paid receipt for reimbursement

To find out if your residence qualifies, go to our website to to learn more and/or submit an application: 

This information is provided for information purposes and is not comprehensive or reflective of all Innovation PEI policies.  Not all projects meeting the minimum assistance criteria outlined will receive funding. Please consult with an Innovation PEI for guidance specific to the situation.