Innovation PEI

Driving Economic Success in Prince Edward Island

Our goal is to build a vibrant, diverse and growing Prince Edward Island economy by providing funding and expertise to enable strategic sectors, accelerate entrepreneurship, and foster innovation.

Helping Businesses Succeed

Innovation PEI provides support and guidance to help businesses across the province excel and grow. 

1,136Business projects supported in 2022

47Staff at Innovation PEI across the province

127 Countries received PEI exported goods in 2021

34Business support programs

Business Spotlights

Highlighting the Island’s innovators, creatives, risk-takers, and trailblazers.

Business Supports

The mandate of the PEI Arts Grants is to support, assist, encourage and represent the arts community in the pr...

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The Small Business Investment Grant helps Prince Edward Island’s small businesses improve efficiency and inn...

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Marketing Assistance helps Prince Edward Island businesses with marketing costs to execute exporting plan...

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Funding  is available to support approved costs to install broadband infrastructure that will deliver high-sp...

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We’re Here to Help.

Get in touch with an Innovation PEI team member. We’ll assess your needs and provide practical advice to help you grow and succeed.