Opportunity is waiting in

Our Strategic Location

Located on the East Coast of Canada, Prince Edward Island is a strategic location for businesses of all sizes, across all sectors. Our supportive and connected business community supports companies in expanding their reach and access to global markets.

Location, Location, Location

PEI shares the same workday with many European countries and the United States – meaning companies can experience improved connectedness with dispersed teams and international customers.

The Confederation Bridge also connects PEI to Canada’s mainland and major Canadian and US markets are a short flight away. PEI is also one of the first provinces to offer broadband access across the entire province.

Prime Location

As one of the four Atlantic Provinces, PEI is nestled between Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland – our prime location offers strategic access to North American and European Markets.

Transportation & Access

With year-round ports, major air cargo routes, and high-bulk land transportation – the Island offers easy access for business and life. PEI is only a short flight from major cities like Boston and New York.


Timing is Everything

As part of Atlantic Canada, PEI is in the Atlantic Time Zone; 4 hours behind London, 4 hours ahead of Los Angeles, and 1 hour ahead of the Eastern United States. In PEI, you can do global business on the same day!

Skip the Commute

Less time spent commuting means more time with family and friends, more time to experience the beaches, golf courses, and culture of PEI.

Strategic Infrastructure

PEI businesses benefit from some of the most advanced frameworks and strategically located business parks to support company growth. Learn more here.

Getting Here

There are many options to get you to Prince Edward Island:


From Nova Scotia
From New Brunswick
From the air
  • Charlottetown Airport
    • Year-Round from Toronto, Montreal, and Ottawa
    • Seasonally from Calgary, Edmonton, and Kitchener

    Investment & Property Opportunities

    Atlantic Technology Centre

    Located in the downtown core of Charlottetown, the ATC is equipped with the conveniences and technology needed for growing businesses. Click here to learn more.

    BioCommons Research Park

    Provides commercialization support to the bioscience sector, home to technology and infrastructure to accelerate products through the development cycle and into the marketplace. Click here to learn more.

    Charlottetown Airport Business Park

    Located at PEI’s only commercial airport and holds the only customs facility in the province. Centrally located commercial land for lease for both business and light industrial use. Click here to learn more.

    Cleantech Park

    A 60-acre business park located in Georgetown, PEI offering an environment for cleantech companies of all stages of development. Click here to learn more.

    Cornwall Business Park

    Located minutes from Charlottetown, this business park is ideal for businesses looking to acquire commercial/light industrial property for their operations. Click here to learn more.

    Kensington Business Park

    A fully serviced 38-lot park that includes 3-phase power, water, wastewater, stormwater and telecommunications connectivity. Click here to learn more.

    Slemon Park

    Located in Summerside, PEI, Slemon Park is home to some of the world’s most successful aerospace, manufacturing, and public safety training organizations. The park is also home to a thriving residential community of more than 230 families. Click here to learn more.

    Souris Food Park

    Located adjacent to the Port of Souris, a 48-care development site home to food processing and manufacturing industries. Click here to learn more.

    Summerside Business Park

    Well established as a light-manufacturing park, the 34-acre site is home to a diverse range of manufacturing and service operations. Click here to learn more.

    Summerside Business Commons & Eco Park

    Summerside Eco-Park

    A 14-acre industrial park located in the heart of Summerside – home to construction-ready lots with critical infrastructure already installed. Click here to learn more.

    West Royalty Business Park

    A 100-acre site that is home to a variety of manufacturing and service operations. Click here to learn more.

    Poole's Corner Industrial Park

    Located in Kings County in the eastern portion of Prince Edward Island, N. of Montague, Pooles Corner could become more of a hub and should see a lot of growth in future years. Click here to learn more.

    Explore PEI Communities

    With breathtaking views, safe communities, short commutes, a vibrant arts and culture scene, and a unique blend of urban commotion and rural camaraderie, Prince Edward Island has a quality of life that is unmatched. 

    Discover our Communities