Opportunity is waiting in

Our Island Talent

Businesses in Prince Edward Island benefit from tapping into a pipeline of skilled and talented people to keep their business growing.

PEI leads the country in population growth. The Island’s five-year population growth rate has climbed to 14.1%, growing our workforce and economy. More than this, over the last five years employment across all industries has grown by 15.6%.

More people are choosing PEI as a place to live and work – and the data shows it. PEI has experienced 8 consecutive years of positive inter-provincial migration.

Our workforce is skilled, educated and supporting the growth of our Island economy.


Talent Pipeline

Prince Edward Island is home to quality post-secondary education institutions. The University of Prince Edward Island, Holland College, and College de L’Ile provide opportunities to students from around the world to study in both academic and applied fields. PEI graduates have gone on to shape not only the future of our Island economy but communities around the world.

Formed in 1969 as the provincial university, UPEI honours its proud legacy through academic excellence and research innovation. In 2019, the University celebrated 50 years of outstanding leadership and achievement in education and research.
Holland College offers post-secondary education to aspirants from across the globe. A variety of full-time and part-time programs at Holland College are offered to students with over 90 degree pathway programs. Since the beginning, the institute has educated more than 100,000 students.
Collège de l'Île
Le Collège Acadie Î.-P.-É. est la seule institution postsecondaire de langue française à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Avec trois centres de formation à DeBlois, Wellington et Charlottetown, le Collège offre des programmes réguliers, de la formation sur mesure et une formation axée sur le marché du travail.

Talent Pipeline by the numbers

University of Prince Edward Island


Undergraduate Students


Graduate Students


International Students

Holland College


Full-time Students


International Students

STEM enrollment has increased 20% since 2017

Workforce Development


SkillsPEI manages the design and delivery of employment and skills development programming funded by the Canada-PEI Labour Market Development Agreement & Canada-PEI Workforce Development Agreement. With six locations across PEI, the SkillsPEI team is available to support Islanders and Island businesses.

Click here to learn more.

skillspei logo


WorkPEI is a provincial job board that provides job seekers and employers an opportunity to find one another. WorkPEI allows PEI job seekers and employers can gain access to labour market information and additional government support.

Click here to learn more.


Career Development Services

Career Development Services (CDS) is a confidential and welcoming space.

  • Search for a new job and prepare for job interviews
  • Get help with your resumé and cover letter
  • Learn about different careers and the local labour market
  • Explore training and funding opportunities
  • Discover your skills and abilities

.Click here to learn more.


Live in Prince Edward Island

With breathtaking views, safe communities, short commutes, a vibrant arts and culture scene, and a unique blend of urban commotion and rural camaraderie, the quality of life in Prince Edward Island is unmatched. 

Do Business in Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island’s strategic location on the East Coast of Canada and our supportive and connected business community allows businesses of all sizes, across all sectors, to expand their reach and access global markets. Businesses in Prince Edward Island benefit from tapping into a pipeline of skilled and talented people to keep their business growing.