Clean Tech in
Prince Edward Island

Clean Tech

Advanced Manufacturing

Information and Communications Technology


Arts and Culture

Food Development and Processing

PEI’s Clean Tech Sector Snapshot
Opportunity is waiting in the Clean Tech sector on Prince Edward Island. Known as Canada’s Green Province, PEI is Canada’s most progressive province in the development of environmental technologies and renewable energy.
PEI is established as a leader in wind energy. Extensive research and development have proved beneficial. Over 25 years ago The Atlantic wind test site located in North Cape, PEI, began its research and has since evolved into the Wind Energy Institute of Canada – the wind energy industry’s center of excellence. PEI now generates over 30% of the province’s electrical needs by a combination of provincially-owned and private wind developments.
Beyond wind energy, the province is positioned to be a leader in emerging renewable energies. Located in Georgetown, The Clean Tech Park is the Island’s future home to clean tech innovation, business, energy and education.
Competitive Advantages:

Industry Landscape
Defined renewable energy goals, strategic infrastructure to support the development and implementation of technologies, matched with government support from all levels.
Home to a skilled workforce and post-secondary training programs supporting talent-pipeline development.
Cost Effective Location & Business Supports
A cost effective location for business supported by a vibrant diverse, growing economy, industry expertise, and strategic funding supports – Including PEI’s Climate Challenge Fund
A Place to Live that Works
Beautiful and safe communities, minimal traffic, more affordable housing and a quality of life that is second to none.
The Clean Tech industry is growing in Prince Edward Island as we work to achieve our target of being the first province in Canada to reach net zero.
- The Islands clean tech sector contributed $175M to the Island’s GDP¹
- The province of PEI has committed to setting up three tax-free clean tech development zones in the province.
- St. Peters Prince Edward Island is home to the Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation and new University of Prince Edward Island – School of Climate Change & Adaptation
- Construction has begun on the new Cleantech Park, home to PEI’s Cleantech Acadamy and Cleantech Learning & Innovation Centre
In Good Company
Regional talent draw base
The Atlantic Region’s Clean Technology sector employs 18,950 people.²
Loyal Workforce
The average job tenure in PEI is over 8.5 years!³
Skilled + Knowledgeable Talent
PEI is committed to the development of trained, and skilled clean tech workforce. Currently the sector employs 892 individuals in PEI⁴
PEI's Talent Pipeline
- Soon to be the home of the Clean Tech Academy & Clean Tech Learning & Innovation Center – Supported by Holland College and UPEI.
- Home to two post-secondary institutions training skilled industry talent.
- 21 public post-secondary institutions to draw from in the Atlantic Canada region, 19 within a five-hour drive from PEI.
- A workfoce of over 18,950 skilled people is employed in the clean technology sector in Atlantic Canada.
- Island clean tech employers can access the permanent Atlantic Immigration Program to support faster hiring of international graduates and internationally trained talent.
PEI’s Post-Secondary Institutions & Training Partners

Holland College
Clean Tech Park
Flip For MorePEI's Clean Tech Park
Visit to explore career opportunities in the Clean Tech Sector in Prince Edward Island!
Cost Effective Location & Business Supports
Prince Edward Island prides itself on providing its companies with the most advanced frameworks to support company growth – Including access to high speed internet across the entire province and world class infrastructure.
Featured Programs for Clean Tech Companies
- Innovation Fund
- Climate Challenge Fund
- PEI Labour Rebate
- Marketing Support Assistance
- Rental Incentive Assistance
The Innovation Fund assists businesses to bring a new product, service, or process (“product”) to market by providing financial support for the costs to refine and commercialize an innovative product that has demonstrated potential for export market uptake.
The Innovation Fund has two streams:
- The New Product stream can support the transition from a demonstrated beta/pilot/prototype product to the final stage refinements for scale-up and full commercial development of the product.
- The Product Diversification stream can support the adaptation of an existing product for a new market segment, where refinement and enhancement changes are required to function in a new geographical area, vertical or industry (to adjust to different requirements, such as regulatory/legal, business environment, industry requirements, culture, etc.).
In 2020, the Government of Prince Edward Island established a $1-million annual Climate Challenge Fund (CC Fund). The CC Fund is intended to support the development of innovative solutions to the threat of climate change.
The goal of the CC Fund is to empower people of different backgrounds, experiences, and expertise, who work across sectors and in different communities throughout the Island, to contribute to climate action in any or all of the following areas:
- adapting to projected impacts of climate change;
- reducing greenhouse gas emissions;
- increasing opportunities for carbon sequestration (the removal and storage of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere);
- building capacity and resilience through public outreach and education; and/or
- expanding climate change research and knowledge.
The primary objectives of the CC Fund are to support projects that:
- foster the increased participation of Island-based companies, researchers and/or community-based organizations in climate action;
- generate new knowledge and ideas with the strong potential to strengthen the Island response to climate impacts and/or strengthen or influence provincial public policy;
- maximize the number of people across the Island reached by the projects funded by this program; and
- eliminate systemic barriers to climate action.
Innovation PEI provides unique and innovative approach to help ICT companies. A labour rebate is much more flexible than traditional tax credits.
PEI’s Labour Rebate Highlights:
- Rebate on labour expenditures based on PEI
- Easy claiming process – no complex filing
- Quarterly claiming process to ease cash flow
- No limits on job functions
- Companies are pre-approved before costs are incurred
Marketing Assistance helps Prince Edward Island businesses with marketing costs to execute exporting plans and activities. The fund enables businesses to accelerate sales and increase their market reach.
Rental Incentive Assistance contributes to rental costs for Prince Edward Island businesses to establish a new business or to expand existing production capabilities.
Visit our complete list of available business support programs here.
Not only is Prince Edward Island the ideal location for business, it offers an opportunity to experience a quality of life that is second to none. With Prince Edward Island’s like-minded communities, thriving arts and culture environment, and coastal lifestyle, you are sure to find a place to live that works.
Learn more about living in PEI.
Need more information about the Clean Tech Sector in Prince Edward Island? Get in touch with one of our team members to navigate opportunities and incentives, get in-depth industry information, and make connections with key business leaders.
Brad Mix
Doug MacDonald
Senior Investment Officer, Aerospace and Defence, Marine & Advanced Manufacturing, Clean Technology
1. & 2. Province of Prince Edward Island (2023). 2022 Preliminary Real GDP By Industry report. May 2023. PEI Statistics Bureau, Department of Finance
3. Statistics Canada. (2023) Table 14-10-0055-01 Job tenure by industry, annual
4. Statistics Canada. (2023) Table 36-10-0681-01 Environmental and Clean Technology Products Economic Account, employment and compensation per products category