
Small Business Webinar Series: Marketing Assistance @ Virtual
Sep 19 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Small Business Webinar Series: Marketing Assistance @ Virtual

Innovation PEI’s Small Business Webinar Series is hosted by our knowledgeable and helpful Business Development Officers. Our webinars are designed to help Prince Edward Island startups and small businesses navigate PEI’s business landscape and guide you to the supports and services you may be eligible for.

This webinar is taking place on September 19th, 2024 will focus on our Marketing Assistance program:

Marketing Assistance helps Prince Edward Island businesses with marketing costs to execute exporting plans and activities. The fund enables businesses to accelerate sales and increase their market reach.

In this webinar we’ll discuss:

  • Program details and eligibility
  • The activities and costs supported
  • Levels of assistance available
  • Application process and evaluation

Register today!

PEI Arts Grants Information Session / Session d’information sur le Programme de subventions aux arts @ Virtual
Oct 2 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
PEI Arts Grants Information Session / Session d'information sur le Programme de subventions aux arts @ Virtual

The Cultural Development Team of Innovation PEI is hosting an information session on Wednesday, October 2 at 12 p.m. that will focus on the PEI Arts Grants. In this information session, we will discuss:

  • Program details and eligibility
  • The activities and costs supported
  • Levels of assistance available
  • Application process and evaluation
  • And more!

There will be a Q&A at the end of the presentation. Please submit your questions ahead of time through the registration form. We hope to see you there!


L’équipe de Développement culturel d’Innovation Î.‑P.‑É. offre une séance d’information virtuelle le mercredi 2 octobre à 12 h qui portera sur les subventions aux arts de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Lors de cette séance, nous présenterons :

  • Les détails du programme et les critères d’admissibilité
  • Les activités et les coûts soutenus
  • Les niveaux de soutien disponibles
  • Comment soumettre une demande et le processus d’évaluation
  • Et plus!

Il y aura une période de questions à la fin de la présentation. Veuillez soumettre vos questions à l’avance via le formulaire d’inscription. On espère vous y voir!